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BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success

|BSP Porting Kernel Code & Board|BSP Porting target board 3|ByteSnap Stand M56 Southern Manufacturing Electronics 16_jp|BSP Porting Reference Board|BSP Porting testing table|BSP Porting Kernel Code|ByteSnap BSP Porting Focus on the Bootloader

BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success Take BSP Porting from Stress to Success When selecting the hardware which will make up the core of your next product, there are many choices. Once this has been decided, BSP porting must be completed to ensure the software elements fit the new hardware. Among the […]

ByteSnap ports Hoeft & Wessel skeye.dart to Windows Mobile


ByteSnap ports and manages LTK testing for Hoeft & Wessel Skeye Dart Windows Mobile platform ByteSnap Design has announced that it has completed a project to successfully port the rugged mobile terminal skeye.dart to Windows Mobile 6.5.   The project included managing Microsoft ‘Logo Test Kit’ (LTK) testing – allowing the German manufacturer Hoeft & Wessel […]