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2024 Electronics Industry Predictions

2024 Electronics Industry Predictions from ByteSnap’s Engineering Consultants Happy New Year! Read our 2024 electronics industry predictions – discover which AI trends are likely to disrupt the tech sector – including autonomous taxis and AI enabled-integrated circuits… 2023 was an eventful year in the tech sector, where AI went mainstream with the explosion of language […]

Developing Products for Smart Home Systems? Do This

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3 expert tips to help you optimise your smart home system design projects This Smart Home Day, we’re bringing you our top development tips for designing products for smart home systems. 1 Give consideration to energy demand response when designing new products In the future, energy providers will need to better balance provision of electricity, […]

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges

|||Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges|Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges -Image credit Dan Lefebvre

Apple Homekit: Overcoming Development Challenges Smart home devices are certainly flavour of the month – if not the last couple of years too. Of the competing smart home platforms, Apple Homekit is arguably still in the challenger role to more established players, but of course carries significant cachet in branding alone, as well as a […]

ByteSnap protects with smart home security

ByteSnap protects with smart home security ByteSnap has provided both electronics design and software expertise for award winning smart home security device Cocoon. Cocoon is a technology company transforming the home security market by designing beautiful products that help people feel safe. It won silver at the 2014 London Design awards and recently secured a […]