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Windows Embedded Compact Migration and End-of-Life Support

Windows Compact Embedded|OS Migration: Keep Calm Migrate from Windows Embedded|windows embedded compact EOL dates|||windows embedded compact EOL dates|Windows CE End of Life Support Phases||

Windows Embedded Compact Migration and End-of-Life Support New Series: Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know – Part 1 With end of life dates for Windows CE and Mobile OS, our new series Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know explores the key considerations when planning for the lack of support […]

Microsoft @ 40: A Closer Look at Embedded Compact 6.0 Part 2

Windows Compact Embedded|OS Migration: Keep Calm Migrate from Windows Embedded|windows embedded compact EOL dates|||windows embedded compact EOL dates|Windows CE End of Life Support Phases||

Microsoft @ 40: A Closer Look at Embedded Compact 6.0 Part 2 As Microsoft turns 40 this month, we’ve put Windows Embedded Compact 6.0, and its enduring popularity, under the microscope at  a Win CE 6 open forum. The first post examined some of the differences between Win CE 5 and Win CE 6; CE 6’s […]

Electric vehicle charging post design

ev-mini-charging - charge post design||electric vehicle chargepost design

Electric vehicle charging post design A fleet of 300 electric vehicles (EVs) is transporting athletes and officials between venues during the 2012 London Olympic Games. The charging posts used by the fleet will be among the busiest electric vehicle charging posts in Europe during the event and reliability was a key requirement. ChargePoint Services asked […]