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Debian vs Yocto for Embedded Systems

A sample of Yocto Code|||Flowchart showing the Project Development Process for Yocto|

Debian vs Yocto for Embedded Systems Debian and Yocto are two different approaches to providing a GNU/Linux operating system on embedded systems. In this article, we give you an overview of each, and then examine the comparative strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Introduction to Debian Debian was first released as a Linux distribution by […]

How to Survive Embedded Linux: How to Compile

Revision Control of your Embedded Linux System||||hero-img-1

How to Survive Embedded Linux: How to Compile One of the first challenges in designing a Linux BSP and associated software is just how to compile the thing in the first place. In this part of the series on How to Survive Embedded Linux, we’ll guide you through some best practice ideas and techniques to […]

Windows CE OS Migration: Future-proof Your Legacy Windows CE Environment

|Windows CE OS Migration|

Windows CE OS Migration: Developing Your Legacy Windows CE Environment for the Future As end-of-life dates for Windows CE and Mobile OS continue to get closer, our series Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know examines the primary issues around planning for the lack of support/extended support for Microsoft Embedded devices. In Part […]