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The Semiconductor Landscape: A Bright Horizon Ahead

Semiconductor Industry Analysis: There’s been recent concern in Germany over production bottlenecks in the country’s auto industry created by chip supply issues potentially taking years to resolve. I believe there is cause for a little more confidence in our improving components supply chain, however…

Developing Products for Smart Home Systems? Do This

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3 expert tips to help you optimise your smart home system design projects This Smart Home Day, we’re bringing you our top development tips for designing products for smart home systems. 1 Give consideration to energy demand response when designing new products In the future, energy providers will need to better balance provision of electricity, […]

Moving from STM32? Read the 10 Step MCU Porting Guide


Having to move from STM32 and redesign your PCB due to the chip shortage?  For ease of development, read our porting guide which takes you through the process to help you keep your projects on track. Many developers and manufacturers, are continuing to deal with the repercussions of the worldwide chip shortage due to the […]

The Global Chip Shortage: How to Get Through 2022


The Global Chip Shortage: How to Get Through 2022 For months, the news has been full of stories around component supply shortages and their wider impact. Analysts at Goldman Sachs found that over 160 different industries were affected by the crisis¹. Tech giants issued warnings about disruption to production.  Though some are reported to be […]

ByteSnap’s January Food Bank Donation

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ByteSnap Design’s January Food Bank Donation To mark ByteSnap’s 14th Anniversary, we purchased pre-made food donation parcels from Morrisons, for their food bank collection. January Food Bank Donations January is a difficult month for food donations as people have spent their cash during the festive period, leaving food banks struggling to help those in need. […]

ByteSnap’s Electronics Industry Predictions 2022


ByteSnap’s 2022 Predictions for the Embedded Electronics Industry ByteSnap Design’s award-winning engineers have expertise ranging from electronics design through to embedded Linux development, and have been contemplating the year ahead. Here are their predictions of trends that are most likely to dominate the embedded electronics industry in 2022… 1. Chip shortages are likely to ease […]