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FreeRTOS vs Linux for Embedded Systems

Which operating system is best suited for your embedded systems project – FreeRTOS or Linux? FreeRTOS and Embedded Linux are two popular options for operating system provision in embedded systems. But which should you choose for your electronics product design? In many cases, the decision about which system to use is preferential, as software engineers […]

Embedded Linux Security: How to Secure Your IoT devices

||Linux secruity - system software network facing|Linux security - secure hardware|

Best practice tips on using Linux security for your IoT devices Embedded Linux Security for IoT Queries around open source security or securing your Linux system?  We’ve written this guide for you on embedded Linux security for IoT devices. Coming up: We all want a system with no security flaws (vulnerabilities). However, for an IoT […]

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support

Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|3 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|4 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|2 - How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support|Target Embedded Hardware for Linux|Target Embedded Hardware|target linux hardware

How to tell if hardware has Embedded Linux support When picking out parts for your custom electronics design, it can pay to check up-front for Linux driver support. Writing new drivers for unsupported hardware is time-consuming, introduces risk, and adds complexity to a project. It’s better to select supported hardware. How can we check if […]

Windows CE OS Migration: Future-proof Your Legacy Windows CE Environment

|Windows CE OS Migration|

Windows CE OS Migration: Developing Your Legacy Windows CE Environment for the Future As end-of-life dates for Windows CE and Mobile OS continue to get closer, our series Windows Embedded Compact Migration: What You Need to Know examines the primary issues around planning for the lack of support/extended support for Microsoft Embedded devices. In Part […]

BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success

|BSP Porting Kernel Code & Board|BSP Porting target board 3|ByteSnap Stand M56 Southern Manufacturing Electronics 16_jp|BSP Porting Reference Board|BSP Porting testing table|BSP Porting Kernel Code|ByteSnap BSP Porting Focus on the Bootloader

BSP Porting: Your 5 Key Steps to Development Success Take BSP Porting from Stress to Success When selecting the hardware which will make up the core of your next product, there are many choices. Once this has been decided, BSP porting must be completed to ensure the software elements fit the new hardware. Among the […]