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New EU Radio Equipment Directive: 5 key things you need to know

||||RED - Radio Equipment Directive - ByteSnap|Low currant design for new SoCmodule|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap--wg2|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap|Low-currant-module-by-ByteSnap|Low-currant-module for edibles market|RED Radio Equipment Directive Infographic|RED - Radio Equipment Directive - ByteSnap||

New EU Radio Equipment Directive: 5 key things you need to know As electronics product designers we know that the compliance process in electronics product development can appear intricate and precarious, if rules or regulations are misinterpreted. Now, our community has the European Union’s new Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) to grapple with. The RED came […]