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Industrial IoT development for Industry 4.0 solutions

This guide on Industrial IoT explores the core solution components of IoT device design (electronics, embedded firmware, embedded systems, microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators), machine-to-machine connectivity, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and automation. Table of Contents Introduction – What is Industry 4.0? The 4th industrial revolution, referred to as Industry 4.0, is pretty much part […]

FreeRTOS vs Linux for Embedded Systems

Which operating system is best suited for your embedded systems project – FreeRTOS or Linux? FreeRTOS and Embedded Linux are two popular options for operating system provision in embedded systems. But which should you choose for your electronics product design? In many cases, the decision about which system to use is preferential, as software engineers […]

Developing Products for Smart Home Systems? Do This

|Smart Home Systems Icons||Smart Home System Dashboard

3 expert tips to help you optimise your smart home system design projects This Smart Home Day, we’re bringing you our top development tips for designing products for smart home systems. 1 Give consideration to energy demand response when designing new products In the future, energy providers will need to better balance provision of electricity, […]

5 Linux Development Tips for a Happy Life

||Linux development tips for a happy life - Tux the Linux Mascot

Five quick Linux development tips to help with programming productivity Happy Birthday, Tux! It’s the 32nd birthday of the Linux operating system this month. From the inauspicious beginnings of a message posted on a UNIX forum by young Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds back in 1991, Linux is now part of the technology mainstream. It’s […]

Periodic Table of Embedded Systems: 118 Interactive Tech Terms

ByteSnap’s Periodic Table of Embedded Systems Tech Terms Discover embedded hardware and software tech terms with our jargon-busting interactive glossary. Popular technologies and systems have been compiled and defined by our engineering consultants to help you broaden your knowledge or brush up your memory on a ByteSnap topic favourite – embedded systems! How to use […]

ByteSnap’s Custom Embedded Systems Projects & Electronics Consultancy


ByteSnap’s Custom Embedded Systems Projects & Electronics Consultancy For ByteSnap Design, 2009 was a year of growth. The company’s expertise in custom embedded systems projects – including electronics design, Windows CE and Windows mobile BSP developments – has helped it to deliver a growing number of successful embedded devices on behalf of its clients. ByteSnap […]