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Top 5 Tips For Developing Secure Android Applications

|eveloping Secure Android Applications_Android Security|Developing Secure Android Apps_Fig 3|Developing Secure Android Apps_Fig 4|Developing Secure Android Applications_Fig 5||developing secure android applications_icon|Developing Secure Android Apps_Fig 1|Developing Secure Android Apps_Fig 2|Developing Secure Android Apps_use https|developing secure android apps_smartphone|Developing Secure Android Apps_SSL Secured|Android Nougat revealed||||

Electronics & Software Product Design Android has maintained it’s command of the global smartphone market at just over 71% – which includes a 68.86% market share in Europe and over 82% in Asia, according to latest figures. Despite being second place to iOS in the US (at 40.54% to iOS’s 59.17%) Android’s strong performance in […]

IoT Security and the Cost-to-Care Ratio


IoT Security and the Cost-to-Care Ratio Here, we take a closer look at IoT security in terms of the “Care-to-Cost” ratio – e.g. are manufacturers and product developers prepared to pay more (at least 25% more) to increase security in their offerings and are consumers willing to shell out for enhanced security? The further we travel into IoT […]

ByteSnap’s Custom Embedded Systems Projects & Electronics Consultancy


ByteSnap’s Custom Embedded Systems Projects & Electronics Consultancy For ByteSnap Design, 2009 was a year of growth. The company’s expertise in custom embedded systems projects – including electronics design, Windows CE and Windows mobile BSP developments – has helped it to deliver a growing number of successful embedded devices on behalf of its clients. ByteSnap […]